

Here you can find a list of our scientific publications:

  1. Klobut, K., et al, ICT technologies for energy efficient buildings and districts. 41st IAHS World Congress. September 2016.
  2. Passerini, F., et al, Energy efficiency facets: innovative district cooling systems.  Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues. V 4, No. 3, March 2017.
  3. Hoyo Arce, I., et al, Models for fast modelling of district heating and cooling networks. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017.
  4. Costa, A., Development of Future EU District Cooling and Heating Network Solutions. Proceedings 1, 974. 2017.
  5. Febres, J., et al, District Cooling Open Source Library (DCOL). Software. 2017.
  6. Passerini, F., et al, Integrated Energy Modelling to Support District Cooling Optimisation: Methodological Approach. Proceedings BSA 2017, 325. 2018.
  7. Loureiro, T., et al, District Energy Systems: A Collaborative Exchange of Results on Planning, Operation and Modelling for Energy Efficiency. MDPI AG Proceedings, 2, 1127. 2018.
  8. Rämä, M., and Klobut, K., Tools for Planning Energy Efficient District Systems. MDPI AG Proceedings, 2, 1132. 2018.
  9. Rämä, M., et al, INDIGO Planning Tool. Software. 2018.
  10. Mohammadi, Ad., et al, The path to Development of an Integrated Tool for District Cooling Systems Modelling, Simulation and Control. SEEP 2018.
  11. Sterling, R., et al, A virtual test-bed for building Model Predictive Control developments. 13th International Modelica Conference. 2019.
  12. Febres, J., et al, District and Building Energy Systems: A Collaborative Exchange of Results on Optimal System Operation for Energy Efficiency. Sustainable Places 2019.
  13. Rämä, M., et al, New tool for planning district cooling systems. SDEWES 2018.
  14. Zabala, L., et al, Virtual testbed for model predictive control development in district cooling systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: 129. 2020

For more information on all of the project’s public data, check out INDIGO’s page in Zenodo.