INDIGO Workshop
As one of INDIGO’s dissemination activities, the IRUSE group of the National University of Ireland, Galway, partner responsible for the scientific dissemination of the project, organized the workshop District Energy Systems: Opportunities and Challenges for the EU and Ireland.

Susana López introducing INDIGO
The workshop was held at the Alice Perry Engineering Building in NUIG, on Wednesday 29 March 2017. The program was as follows:
Welcome address – Dr. Marcus Keane (NUIG)
Session 1: Policy and EU research on District Energy Systems
- INDIGO Project – Susana López (IK4-Tekniker)
- Pentagon Project – Elisa Olivero (CSEM)
- E2District Project – Martin Klepal (CIT)
- District Energy Systems Policy – Ruth Buggie (SEAI)
Session 2: Technologies and New Directions of District Energy Systems
- New Technologies for District Energy Systems – Mikel Borras (IDP)
- Towards zero-energy districts – Glenn Reynders (KU Leuven)
- NewTREND Project – Walter O’Grady (UCD)
- Simulation to support microgrid and district grid – Patrick Béguery (Schneider Electric)
- District Cooling Networks – Julien Watel (Veolia)